Science does not take place in a vacuum. Ideas do not fall from the sky, but emerge through exchange with colleagues, with students, with practitioners, and with other fellow citizens. Science is created through dialogue.
I understand this dialogue as a mutual exchange of knowledge, experiences, and ideas and not as a unilateral communication of scientific findings from the knowledgeable to the ignorant. We scientists have the privilege and the mandate to engage carefully, critically, and transparently with specific questions and thus to contribute to the process of self-reflection, problem identification and solution finding in society.
In this sense I design my contributions at professional conferences, in lecture series, workshops, summer schools, podcasts or events for the general public.
6.6.2024: “‘It thinks – How Wieser, Mach & Hayek lost the self and found the mind“. Talk at the conference “Dancing Diagrams, Numbers and other Things. Harro Maas in Lausanne (2015-2024)” at the University of Lausanne.
8.-9.6.2023: “The formation of the ignorant individual – psychological foundations in liberal economic thought“. Talk at the conference “L’education et la formation de l’individu libéral” at the University of Bordeaux.
1.-3.6.2023: “‘It thinks’ – Wieser, Mach & Hayek on the psychological foundations of order”. Paper presentation at the annual ESHET conference, Liège.
9.12.2021: “The inner constitution of society – Friedrich Wieser in dialogue with Mach, Freud and Le Bon“. Lecture at the annual meeting of the History of Economics Society.
11.11.2021: “Psyche and Power – Problem and Principle of Association in Friedrich Wieser”. Lecture at the Research Seminar of the Institute for the Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy (ICAE), University of Linz.
22.10.2021: “Psyche and Power – the Problem and Principle of Association in the work of Friedrich Wieser”. Lecture at the workshop “Current Research on the History of Economics in Switzerland and Beyond” of the Helvetic History of Economic Thought (HELVHET) Network.
7.6.2021: “Psyche and Power – a genealogy of the psychological and philosophical foundations in the works of Wieser and Hayek”. Presentation of the PhD project at the annual meeting of the History of Science Switzerland (HSSuisse) network.
3.6.2021: “Psyche and Power – the Problem and Principle of Association in the work of Friedrich Wieser”. Paper presentation at the Summer Institute of the Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University.
4/23/2021: “Diversifying Economics – An Introduction.“ Opening lecture of the lecture series Economics and Beyond by Möve Lüneburg.
14.12.2020: “The Constitution of Ignorance – zur Bedeutung des Nichtwissens in der Verhaltensökonomie”. Lecture at the Pluralumni Colloquium of the Network for Pluralist Economics.
16.10.2020: “Von ‚Dogma‘ zu ‚Verantwortung‘ – Anstoß zur Neuausrichtung der Wissenschaftlichkeit und ihrer Didaktik in der Ökonomie”. Lecture at the New Teaching Caucus of the ASEER.
6-8.6.2019: “You will never think the same way again – On Power and Mind in Economic Textbooks”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of DiscourseNET at the University of Bergamo.
21-23.2.2019: “‘Imagine…‘ – Zur Monokultur der inneren Bildlichkeit in ökonomischen Lehrbüchern und Wege ihrer Überwindung in der Hochschullehre“. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the Association for Socioeconomic Education and Research (ASEER) at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
20.2.2019: “Indoctrination in Economics Education – A cognitive science based textbook analysis and alternative ways of teaching”. Lecture on invitation by the student initiative Pluralism in Economics (PINE) of the University College Maastricht.
9/7/2018: “‘The markets deal out profits and losses’ – How Standard Economic Textbooks Promote Uncritical Thinking in Metaphors”. Paper presented in the session of the Social Economics Research Unit at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) at Sofia-Antipolis University Nice.
22 – 24.9.2017: “Objektivierendes Denken und das Unbewusste in der Philosophie Heinrich Barths“. Lecture at the workshop “Unbewusste Existenz und existenzielle Erkenntnis. Die systematische Stellung des Unbewussten in der Existenzphilosophie Heinrich Barth“ of the Heinrich Barth Society.
17.5.2017: “Wirtschaftstheorie als Geisteswissenschaft – Grundfragen der Ökonomie”. Lecture in the lecture series “Polarschmelze, Polarisierung, Pluralismus – Ökonomische Fragestellungen unserer Zeit” organized by oikos Köln at the University of Cologne.
5.5.2017: “Existence is relating – On a core movement of Heinrich Barth’s Philosophy of Existence”. Lecture at the conference “Photography as Relation and Abundance: Rethinking the Practice and Theory of Photography. An interdisciplinary colloquium” of the University of Wuppertal and the Cusanus University for Social Transformation.
6.11.2016: “Freiheit – Zur Begegnung von Existenz und Wahrheit bei Heinrich Barth”. Paper presentation at the young scholar panel at the annual conference of the Heinrich Barth Society.
12.9.2016: “Was bilden wir uns ein?“. Panel discussion as part of the Wandelwoche Berlin.
20.-23.8.2016: “Kein Systemwandel ohne Wandel von Wissenschaft und Bildung“. Four-day course at the Degrowth Summer School 2016 together with Anne Kretzschmar, Lukas Bäuerle and Marius Braun.
4.7.2016: “Geld.Bildung.Freiheit oder wie der Umgang mit Geld zur Bildungserfahrung werden kann”. Workshop at the network livingutopia Mainz.
27.6.2016: “(Nicht-) Orte ökonomischer Bildung – Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten ihrer Gestaltung”. Lecture at the University of Fine Arts, Dresden.
27.5.2016: “Eine andere Ökonomie braucht andere ökonomische Bildung – Chancen und Aufgaben eines Neuanfangs am Beispiel der Cusanus Hochschule”. Lecture at the University of Erfurt with Silja Graupe.
19.11.2013: “ÜberLebensfähigkeit des Homo Oeconomicus”. Joint lecture with Florian Rommel, Lukas Bäuerle and Fabian Warislohner in the context of the lecture series “Lebensfähig I Wirtschaftskompetent?” at Alanus University.
19.3.2021: Co-Organization of the digital ASEER Forum “Overcoming Crises – Shaping the Future. Contributions of socio-economic education and science to a socio-ecological transformation”.
7-8.12.2019: “Imagining the (new) economy – imagery in economics using the example of textbooks”. Organization of interdisciplinary workshop and lecture with image analysis in economics textbooks. Institute of Economics, Cusanus University for Social Transformation.
18-20.12.2019: “Tutzing Winter Conference: Neoliberalism and Right-Wing Populism. Contexts, strategies and ways of dealing with it”. Organization of the conference with Prof. Dr. Walter Ötsch and Prof. Dr. Michael Spieker at the Akademie für politische Bildung, Tutzing in cooperation with the Cusanus University for Social Transformation.
02 – 04.11.2018: Co-organization of the workshop “Freiheit in der Entscheidung. Die Augustinus-Rezeption in der Existenzphilosophie Heinrich-Barths“.
30.11. – 2.12.2017: Co-organization of the conference “Freie Bildung braucht freie Räume – Forum zur Zukunftsfähigkeit freier Bildung in Zeiten ihrer Ökonomisierung”.
07/2012 – 09/2012: Co-organization of the “first pluralist supplementary conference to the annual conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik” at the University of Göttingen with the Network for Pluralist Economics (previously: AK Real World Economics e.V.) with Christoph Freydorf, Lukas Bäuerle and Helge Peukert.
01/2011 – 07/2011: Co-organization of the lecture series “Neoliberalism” at the University of Bayreuth.